Ainda sobre a Catalunha e sobre a (única) solução satisfatória que pode sair desta trapalhada toda. Um texto de Camino Mortera-Martinez, research fellow e representante de Bruxelas no "Centre for European Reform".
"What is happening in Catalonia is not a case of a state denying the democratic rights of its people. It is the product of increasingly radical separatism and a constitutional framework that is too rigid to accommodate those demands. To avoid further confrontation, Mariano Rajoy, Spain’s prime minister, needs to urgently reform the country’s model of regional government. Spain needs to find ways to better satisfy the hunger for greater self-determination in parts of the country. The only way to do that is to change the Spanish constitution, and do so with the consensus of Spanish society".
Resumindo, alterar o modelo de relacionamento entre as regiões e o Estado central (assumindo, eventualmente, a forma de federação, digo eu) será a melhor forma de resolver o problema catalão.

"What is happening in Catalonia is not a case of a state denying the democratic rights of its people. It is the product of increasingly radical separatism and a constitutional framework that is too rigid to accommodate those demands. To avoid further confrontation, Mariano Rajoy, Spain’s prime minister, needs to urgently reform the country’s model of regional government. Spain needs to find ways to better satisfy the hunger for greater self-determination in parts of the country. The only way to do that is to change the Spanish constitution, and do so with the consensus of Spanish society".
Resumindo, alterar o modelo de relacionamento entre as regiões e o Estado central (assumindo, eventualmente, a forma de federação, digo eu) será a melhor forma de resolver o problema catalão.

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